Create a view for nested field records

Nested fields can be used to logically group fields together, such as lists with a varying number of items or forms within forms. It is possible to view the aggregate of the sub-records in views, however, only the top record information is shown as default.

In order to make the best use of nested fields, it may be necessary to set up Views which display these sub-records.


A company has salespeople who submit expense claims for a manager to approve. By creating a View that displays nested field data, managers can access an overview of submitted expense claims without examining each individual record.

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  1. Customize the application (e.g. Expense Application).
    Flowfinity - Show column totals in views
  2. In the Views section, select 'Add View.' Name the view appropriately (e.g. View Expense Details) and provide a description if necessary.
    Flowfinity - Show column totals in views
    Flowfinity - Show column totals in views
  3. Click the Layout tab, select 'Display records of' and choose which set of records to display. In this instance, select the nested field records in 'Expense Details.'
    Flowfinity - Show column totals in views
  4. Specify which fields to move from 'Available fields' to 'Selected fields' and format the display order. To calculate the total of a column numeric fields then select that field and click 'calculate total'. For example, the total of all outstanding expense claims.
    Flowfinity - Show column totals in views
  5. Click 'Save view' and publish the application.
    Flowfinity - Show column totals in views
    Flowfinity - Show column totals in views