Access records from email

Email notifications are often used as a way for users to be notified about new assignments or data changes. When receiving email on a mobile device with Flowfinity Actions installed, you can use deep linking to allow a user to click on a link within the email notification to edit the record within Flowfinity Actions.

Flowfinity - Access records from email


A manager needs to approve items for her team in Flowfinity. When an approval item is submitted, Flowfinity sends out an email notification to the manager with a link to the item so that it can be accessed directly from email.


  1. Customize your application (e.g., Approvals)
  2. In the Form section, click the Layouts link, then the 'Add Layout' button to add a new layout that will be used to show the manager the items for approval
    Flowfinity - Access records from email
  3. Go to the Operations tab, and create a new 'View' type operation
    1. In the 'Integration' tab, click the checkbox to 'Enable deep linking URL invocation'
      Flowfinity - Access records from email
    2. Take note of the Name (e.g., 'View')
    3. Note the name of the layout under 'Operation settings,' which is 'Submit for Approval' in this example
    4. Save the operation
      Flowfinity - Access records from email
  4. Go to the Views tab, and create a new view called 'Record by ID'
    Flowfinity - Access records from email
    Flowfinity - Access records from email
    1. In the Display Options tab, uncheck the box 'Make this view accessible in Activities menu' to hide it from users
      Flowfinity - Access records from email
    2. In the Parameters tab, add a Parameter and label it 'RecordID'
      Flowfinity - Access records from email
    3. In the Filter tab, click the 'Add condition' button, and set the condition to 'RecordID <parameter – input> Equals ID <system field>'
      Flowfinity - Access records from email
    4. Save the View
  5. Go to the Forms tab, and add a URL field
    1. Click the icon to the right of 'Field type' and select 'formula calculation' In the Filter tab, click the 'Add condition' button, and set the condition to "RecordID Equals ID "
    2. Set the Display value to 'View Record'
    3. Enter the following formula: 'flow://Approvals/RecordbyID/' + recordid + '/View'
      Please note: URLs that begin with 'flow://' will launch the Flowfinity mobile client. For web access on desktop or mobile devices, start with 'https://' instead. For universal deep links that detect whether the mobile client is installed, use<your server url>/
    4. Ensure that the field is visible and included in the 'Submit for Approval' layout used for the 'View' operation that you created in step 2
      Flowfinity - Access records from email
  6. Go to the Notifications tab, and click the 'Add notification' button
    Flowfinity - Access records from email
    1. Specify the Title (e.g., Approval Required)
    2. Specify the appropriate information for the email recipient, and who the email is from
      Flowfinity - Access records from email
    3. In the 'Message configuration' section, select 'From layout used by operation' from the 'Notification body' drop-down menu, which is the 'Submit for Approval' layout in this example
    4. Save the notification
      Flowfinity - Access records from email
  7. In the Operations tab, edit the operation that will be used to submit the notification to the manager. In this example the operation is 'New Request'
    Flowfinity - Access records from email
  8. Under 'Trigger email notifications', check the notification that you created in step 6, 'Approval Required'
    Flowfinity - Access records from email